California, US, January 4, 2016 ( - They reminded me of the Star Trek quote - "To boldly go where no man — where no one — has gone… before". For the past 3 years, one industry that has been growing uncompromisingly is the Internet video on-demand. We all know who the giants are but in this case, there seems to be problem, a small startup could be worth betting on here.
This startup caught my eye so I decided to do a research about them. I called them up and they were very interested to talk more about what they 've going on.
This could slowly shift the tide considering the generation we live in. Social media has been great and will continue to be a big part of our lives. Do you ask yourself the same question I asked myself sometimes - "there has to be something bigger than just like, comment and re-tweet", something a little different. This is why I think this startup company will make it as a platform.
Sat down with the founders and realized in few minutes this are individuals with tremendous insight of the entertainment business industry. Also software engineers with a genuine front of realistic goals. I had the opportunity to run a test on the application and looking from a user perspective, the value preposition is huge for me to say no. The experience was beautiful to say the least. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Netflix, Hulu, they are great platforms but there is just something Frenvid adds to the pack as a user that makes it all complete.
The CEO, Bamidele, made it clear to me they weren't in the game to compete with the giant but rather to set a new trail for how video is consumed. When I asked him about the biggest challenge they face as a startup, his reply was "being a new face in the game in dealing with the big studios. A month ago, we release SayCUT to the public and we are starting to see credible independent studios around the world take advantage of it to have their titles on frenvid".
In this generation, to launch a video-on-demand service that can effectively compete with the numerous options currently available to consumers, I guess many complexities must be considered. Times are changing and I see this startup changing with it.